Chapter on party preference, turnout and social cleavages in Germany Wahlen und Wähler
09 April 2016
A chapter entitled “Parteiwahl und Nichtwahl: Zur Rolle sozialer Konfliktlinien” has appeared in Wahlen und Wähler: Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl von 2013 (ed. by Harald Schoen and Bernhard Wessels) and is now available from Springer.
The long-term relation between turnout and electoral support for social democracts in Germany
27 June 2015
At the 5th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association I had the opportunity to present a paper entitled “The Crisis of Social Democracy and the Political Demobilisation of the Working Class in Germany”. In this paper I analyse the dual decline of turnout in Germany and of the support for the German Social Democratic Party (SPD). I show that both changes are linked and concentrated in a core group of SPD supporters, the manual working class.
AK Wahlen paper on ticket-splitting in Germany
12 June 2015
At the Session of the AK “Wahlen und politische Einstellungen (the German specialist group on election, electoral behaviour and political attitudes) I had the opportunity to present a paper on split-ticket voting in Germany. In this paper I find that there is more strategic voting in the direct candidate votes than in the list votes, but that most split-ticket voting appears to be non-strategic.