=================================================================================== EPSA paper: Inference for multilevel models when the number of clusters is small. =================================================================================== .. post:: 2014-06-21 :category: research .. previewimage:: randomInter-lme-tcoverr-x2.png In a recent article published in AJPS it is claimed that Bayesian estimators have a superior performance in the estimation of the influence of group-level covariates, especially if the number of groups/clusters is small. `In the paper presented at EPSA `__, we show that the problems addressed by Bayesian techniques can also be adequately addressed by a frequentist technique, *restricted maximum likelihood*, without the problems involved in Bayesian estimation, such as the computational cost and the need to select an appropriate prior. .. figure:: randomInter-lme-tcoverr-x2.png :figwidth: 700px :align: center Coverage error of Student-\ *t* based confidence intervals of the coefficient of a group-level covariate, with different numbers of groups and two different estimation methods, *maximum likelihood* and *restricted maximum likelihood*.