=================== About Martin Elff =================== .. image:: Martin-round.png :align: left :width: 150px I am a political scientist with research interests in political sociology, political behaviour, comparative politics, and political methodology. In the first two areas I focus on electoral behaviour, political attitudes and behaviour in Germany, the relation between social structure and politics, and on political knowledge and political sophistication. My methodological research interests focus on the spatial modelling of party manifestos, survey research methodology in general, computational statistics and ecological inference. On these topics I have published a monograph, a variety of book chapters as well as research articles in *Acta Politica*, *Electoral Studies*, the *European Journal of Political Research*, *German Politics*, *Perspectives on Politics*, and *Political Analysis*. .. On this website you will find links to `publications `_ and working papers that emerged from these research interests. You will also find some add-on packages I wrote for |R|_, the excellent open-source software package and programming language for data analysis and graphics. I hold a doctorate in social sciences (Dr.rer.soc.) from the *University of Mannheim* and a *venia legendi* in Political Science at the *University of Konstanz*. Since February 2015 I am a professor of political sociology at `Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen `__ (`overview in English `__). I started my academic career as a researcher (*wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter*) at `Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) `__ in 1998. From 2000 to 2004 I worked as *wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter* and from 2004 to 2009 as a *wissenschaftlicher Assistent* (assistant professor) at Jan van Deth's Chair for Policical Science and International Comparative Research, `Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Mannheim `__. Then I moved to England for three years to work from 2009 to 2012 as a as a DAAD lecturer at the `Department of Government `__ of the `University of Essex `__. In 2012 I returned to Germany to work from 2012 to 2015 as a 'akademischer Rat' at the `Department of Political and Administrative Science `__ of the `University of Konstanz `__. A full CV can be found as an PDF file `here `__. Contact ------- .. grid:: 1 2 2 2 .. grid-item:: | Professor Dr Martin Elff | Chair of Political Sociology | Zeppelin University | *Postal address:* | Zeppelin University | Am Seemooser Horn 20 | 88045 Friedrichshafen | Germany | *Visiting address:* | Zeppelin University | Fallenbrunnen 3 \| Room 1.81 | 88045 Friedrichshafen | Germany .. grid-item:: | *Phone:* +49 7541 6009-1369 | *Fax:* +49 7541 6009-3009 | *EMail:* :email:`martin.elff@zu.de` | `@melff.bsky.social `__ | `@martin_elff@science.social `__ | `@elff@fosstodon.org `__ | *Twitter:* `@martin\_elff `__ | *GitHub:* http://github.com/melff | *ORCID:* |ORCID ID icon| `0000-0001-9032-9739 `__ | *Web of Science:* `J-1604-2019 `__ .. |ORCID ID icon| image:: https://orcid.org/sites/default/files/images/orcid_16x16.png .. |R| replace:: *R* .. _R: http://www.r-project.org .. |editorial board of Electoral Studies| replace:: editorial board of *Electoral Studies* .. _`editorial board of Electoral Studies`: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/electoral-studies/editorial-board/ .. _DGfW: http://www.dgfw.eu .. |DGfW| replace:: *Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wahlforschung* (DGfW - German Association for Electoral Research) .. _GLES: http://www.gles.eu .. |GLES| replace:: German Longitudinal ElectionStudy (GLES) .. _AKWahlen: http://www.politik.uni-mainz.de/dvpw-wahlen/ .. |AKWahlen| replace:: *AK Wahlen und politische Einstellungen* .. _DVPW: http://www.dvpw.de .. |DVPW| replace:: *Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft* - DVPW