===================================================== Data Management in R: A Guide for Social Scientists ===================================================== .. bibsource:: ../publications.bib .. pub-details:: elff:data.management .. rst-class:: mw-50 .. image:: ../news/DataManagement_in_R-huge.png :width: 270px :align: right :target: https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/data-management-in-r/book262942 The code examples shown in the book can be run interactively in `Jupyter `__ notebooks [1]_ either in an ephemeral docker container [2]_ available from :url:`https://dataman-r-tmp.elff.eu/` with a maximum lifetime of 15 minutes or in a docker container available from :url:`https://dataman-r.elff.eu/` that exists for up to 24 hours, but requires signing in with an `ORCID `__ id. [3]_ *R*-scripts, notebooks, and *R*-markdown files are also available in the GitHub repository :url:`https://github.com/melff/dataman-r`. A ZIP-file with the contents of the repository can be downloaded from :url:`https://github.com/melff/dataman-r/archive/main.zip`. Of course, the matarials come with NO WARRANTY whatsoever. They are provided for educational and illustrative purposes only. .. |ORCID ID icon| image:: https://orcid.org/sites/default/files/images/orcid_16x16.png .. |JupyterHub| image:: https://dataman-r.elff.eu/hub/logo :height: 1em .. [1] For more information about *Jupyter* see :url:`http://jupyter.org`. The *Jupyter* notebooks make use of the `RKernel `__ package. .. [2] For more information about *Docker* see :url:`https://docs.docker.com/`. The container images are run with `Jupyterhub DockerSpawner `__. .. [3] ORCID is a free service for the authentication of researchers. It also allows to showcase publications and contributions to the academic community such as peer review.. See :url:`https://info.orcid.org/what-is-orcid/` for more information.